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Sunday, 27 April 2014

0 Marketing Quiz 80

1. What is one of the methods of Sales promotion?
(1) Consumer Promotion Method
(2) Dealer Promotion Method
(3) Market Method
(4) Competitor Method
(5) 1 and 2

2. Free samples can be distributed as_________
(1) Door to Door
(2) Through Retail shop
(3) With another product
(4) Under some competition
(5) All of above

3. A certificate which enables a consumer to gel a certain reduction in price on next purchase of particular product is called_________
(1) Discount
(2) Discount coupon
(3) Cash Discount
(4) Trade Discount
(5) None of these

4. 40% to 50% discount on all products of Gandhi Ashram on Gandhi Jayanti is an example of
(1) Discount
(2) Reduction in Price
(3) Trade Fair
(4) Free Gift
(5) Sold

5. Under which method producer announce that with the purchase of a particular product,another product will be given at a very cheap rate ?
(1) cheap Bargain
(2) Trade Discount
(3) Reduction in Price
(4) Free Gift
(5) After Discount

6. Under which method consumer gives a guarantee to maintain the product in proper condition till a limited period from the date of purchase ?
(1) After sale service
(2) Discount
(3) Discount coupon
(4) Discounted Rate
(5) Advertisement

7. Which method is used to encourage dealers to sell more product ?
(1) Dealer Promotion Method
(2) Consumer Promotion Method
(3) Product Promotion Method
(4) Market Promotion Method
(5) Sales Promotion Method

8. Dealer Promotion Method includes
(1) Advertisement Allowance
(2] Quantity Discount
(3) Incentives to Salesman
(4) Commission
(5) All of above

9. The decision to start the production of a product or not is called
(1) Product Decision
(2) Design Decision
(3) Name of Product
(4) Price Decision
(5) None of these

10. “Guarantee given by the seller enterprise to repair the product for a certain period" shows the concept of________
(1) Guarantee and aftersale service
(2) Warranty
(3) Sale with service
(4) Service centre
(5) None of these


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