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Sunday, 27 April 2014

0 Marketing Quiz 79

1. Persons who want to maximize their profit through sales are known as
(1) Producers
(2) Dealers
(3) Businessman
(4) Wholesalers
(5) All of above

2. What is the main purpose of sales promotion ?
(1) Encourage consumer lo buy the product
(2) Persuade consumer to buy the product
(3) Discount coupons
(4) Premium Product Free sample Distribution
(5) 1 and 2

3. Who said “ Sales promotion means any steps that are taken for the purpose of obtaining or increasing sales". ?
(1) A.H.R. Delens
(2) Philip Kotler
(3) L.K. Johnson
(4) William J. Stauton
(5) Robinson

4. Who said- "Sales promotion is an exercise in information, persuasion and influence" ?
(1) A.H.R. Delens
(2) Philip Kotler
(3) L.K. Johnson
(4) William J. Stauton
(5) Robinson

5. What is the main object of sales promotion ?
(1) To introduce new product
(2) To attract new customers
(3) To face the competition
(4) 1 and 3
(5) 1.2 and 3

6. What is the main advantage of sales promotion ?
(1) Helps in creating demand
(2) Cheating
(3) Black marketing
(4) Increase in corruption
(5) None of these

7. The parties who has got advantages through sales promotion is called
(1) Manufactures
(2) Middlemen
(3) Wholesalers
(4) Consumer
(5) 1 and 3

8. What is the advantage manufacturer has out of Sales promotion?
(1) Helps in creating demand for new product
(2) Helps in getting new customers
(3) Helps in minimising the cost
(4) 1 and 3
(5) 1. 2 & 3

9. What is the advantage of sales promotion to Middleman ?
(1) Helps in selling the product
(2) Helps in increasing the profit
(3) Increases the goodwill
(4| Increase in incentives
(5) All of above

10. What is the advantage of Sales Promotion to Consumers ?
(1) Source of Education
(2) Improvement in standard of living
(3) Schemes and discounts
(4) Information about the new products
(5) All of above


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