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Sunday, 27 April 2014

0 Marketing Quiz 77

1._________ is the harmonious adjustment of all the activities of all the departments.
(1) Co-ordination
(2) Direction
(3) Control
(4) Marketing
(5) Management

2. No plan is successful in achieving its object without_______
(1) Direction
(2) Control
(3) Organisation
(4) Determination
(5) Co ordination

3. Marketing Manager is responsible for________
(1) Guiding
(2) Supervising
(3) Organisation
(4) All subordinates
(5) 1.2 and 4

4. Marketing Manager is the of his subordinates.
(1J Monitor
(2) Control
(3) Objective
(4) Direction
(5) None of these

5. What is one of the main activities of controlling process ?
(1) Determination of standards
(2) Evaluation of actual performance
(3) Comparison of actual performance with standards
(4) To adopt corrective measures if the standards are not achieved
(5) All of above

6. Which concept consists of activity of appointing right person to right job ?
(1) Stalling
(2) Analysis
(3) Planning
(4) Direction
(5) Objective

7. Which is the main function of Marketing Manager ?
(1) To analyse the cost of marketing activities
(2) To make fraud
(3) To get involve in criminal activities
(4) 1,2
(5) 1, 2 and 3

8. “To evaluate the productivity and performance of individual sales man" is the function of
(1) Marketing Manager
(2) Market
(3) Manage
(4) Supervisor
(5) None of above

9. What is one of the objectives of Marketing Management ?
(11 Determination of needs and wants of consumer
(2) Market segmentation
(3) Growth of Enterprise
(4) Increase in net profit
(5) All of above

10. Growth of enterprises includes
(1) Increase in sales volume
(2) Increase in net profit
(3) Increase in customer's satisfaction
(4) All of above
(5) None of above

11. All the Marketing activities leads to _______
(1) Selling
(2) Market
(3) Product
(4) Demand
(5) Supply


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