1. Which sentence has to be added at the end of news type advertisement in newspaper ?
(1) Advertisers are criminal
(2) It is an Advertisement
(3) Social behaviour
(4) Cultural Showings
(5) All of above
2. Which of the following is a type of analysis included in Marketing Research ?
(1) Product Analysis
(2) Market Analysis
(3) Distribution Analysis
(4) Competition Analysis
(5) All of above
3. Under which analysis study involves the detailed study of the popularity of product among consumers ?
(1) Product Analysis
(2) Market Analysis
(3) Consumer Analysis
(4) Competition Analysis
(5) Sales Analysis
4. Distribution Analysis analyse the problems of
(1) storage
(2) transportation
(3) Advertisement
(4) Sales Promotion
(5) All of above
5. Consumers can be divided into different parts under consumer Research on the basis of
(1) Age
(2) Sex
(3) Education
(4) Income
(5) All of above
6. Research depends on
(1) Data
(2) Consumers
(3) Market
(4) Competitors
(5) Product
7. Which of the following is a type of Research data ?
(1) Complex
(2) Primary
(3) Secondary
(4) Traditional
(5) 2 and 3
8.Primary data possesses the advantage of being _________
(1) Low cost as compared to secondary data
(2) available to any interested party to use
(3) free of interview bias
(4) relevant to the problem at hand
(5) All of the above
9. As Marketing Managers and researchers define the problem and set research objectives, they should employ
(1) Exploratory research alone
(2) Casual research alone
(3) descriptive research alone
(4) all of above combined
(5) None of above
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