1. Modern important factor of advertisement is
(1) Internet
(2) Specific
(3) Loudspeaker
(4) Festival Advertisement
(5) All of above
2. What is one of the factors to be considered while selecting suitable advertisement media ?
(1) Black Marketing
(2) Area of Business
(3) Nature of Goods and services
(4) Nature of Advertisement
(5) 2. 3 and 4
3. Type of Novelty gift under Direct mail advertising
(1) Calender
(2) Diary
(3) Wall Clock
(4) Watch
(5) All of above
4. The advertisement media which is widely used by publishers is
(1) Television
(2) Radio
(3) Catalogue
(4) Booklets
(5) Pamphlet
5. Which type of advertisement media built a sort of personal relationship between Consumer and Businessman ?
(1) Magazine
(2) Personal letters
(3) Novelty Gifts
(4) Price list
(5) Booklets
6. What is one of the parts of Advertising copy ?
(1) Title
(2) Subtitle
(3) Card beard box
(4) Name of Product
(5) 1.2,4
7. What is the main drawback of Direct Mail Advertising ?
(1) Very Expensive
(2) Limited coverage
(3) Less time consuming
(4) Increasing Fraud
(5) Easy Mailing list
8. Counter and Window Display is normally seen at:
(1) Cinema Halls
(2) Bus stations
(3) Railway stations
(4) Exhibitions
(5) All of above
9. Brief Advertisement in Newspapers is called ________
(1) Kun
(2) Classifieds
(3) Coloured Front Cover
(4) Middle Page
(5) Last Page
10. Which statement is true about newspaper Advertisement ?
(1) Newspapers are very costly
(2) Newspapers are senseless
(3) Not suitable for uneducated customers
(4) Lack of Personal touch with customer
(5) 3 and 4
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