1. Primary data are BEST described as the;
(1) first batch of data collected for a specific study
(2) data that arc observed recorded, or collected from respondents
(3) data (hat were compiled for some purpose other than the study current study
(4) data that are collected from a computerised data base
(5) None of these
2. Which of the following is a mode of advertisements ?
(1) Press Advertisement
(2) Outdoor Advertisement
(3) Entertainment Advertisement
(4) Mail Advertisement
(5) All of Above
3. What is one of the types of Press Advertisement ?
(1) News Paper
(2) Magazines
(3) Journals
(4) Directories
(5) All of above
4. Which of the following of outdoor advertisement ?
(1) Posters
(2) Sign Boards
(3) Sandwich Advertisement
(4) Transport Advertisement
(5) All of the above
5. Advertisements which comes under the category of Entertainment Advertisement is
(1) Cinema
(2) Radio
(3) Exhibitions
(4) T.V.
(5) All of the above
6.A type of mail advertisement is
(1) Radio
(2) Sale Bill
(3) Magazines
(4) Catalogue
(5) 3 and 4
7. Telephone interview offer
(1) speed in gathering data
(2) a low non response rate
(3) potential fox reaching all house holds
(4) the highest cost method for collecting data
(5) All of above
8. Low response rate is a problem associated with which contact method ?
(1) Personal interview
(2) telephone
(3) online surveys
(4) Mail
(5) None of these
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