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Friday, 25 April 2014

0 Marketing Quiz 72

1. When automobile manufacturers offer options in specially priced deals, they are practicing a form of
(1) product-line pricing
(2) product bundle pricing
(3) captive-product pricing
(4) by-product pricing
(5) None of these

2. Which, if any, of the following are reasons producers use intermediaries?
(1) because of their greater efficiency in making goods available to target markets
(2) because of their contacts and experience with retailers
(3) because of their specialization in delivering goods as needed
(4) All (1), (2) and (3)
(5) None of these

3. Which one of the following statements BEST characterises marketing research?
(1) research is a continuous process, providing a constant flow of information
(2) research is conducted on a special-project basis
(3) research is performed when routine information is required
(4) research is the basis for making recurring marketing decisions
(5) None of these

4. In the previous three years, four studies have been conducted on the characteristics of Tyrone Bricks clients. As the firm seeks to put together a report showing trends in this area, it has a hard time locating the information contained in these study reports. This firm seems to need:
(1) a marketing research manager
(2) a marketing databank
(3) survey research
(4) primary data
(5) None of these

5. An intuitive manager could best be described as one who:
(1) uses scientific problem solving
(2) eliminates uncertainty in decision making
(3) searches out facts and data systematically
(4) uses personal knowledge and experience to make decisions
(5) None of these

6. If Master Foods Ltd knows that its market share in Ireland has dropped 13 percent in the first quarter of the year but does not know what might have contributed to this decline, it is in which stage of the marketing research process?
(1) hypothesis development
(2) symptom identification
(3) problem identification
(4) data interpretation
(5) None of these

7. Suppose marketers at Lever Brothers are trying to determine whether the use ol money off coupons for detergent was the reason for a sales increase in a particular store. The type of study conducted to answer this question would be:
(1) exploratory
(2) descriptive
(3) casual
(4) qualitative
(5) None of these

8. Marks and Spencer wants to learn about consumer attitudes toward mail order purchases and conducts a study to acquire this information, this study would best be classified as collecting ___data.
(1) casual
(2) experimental
(3) primary
(4) secondary
(5) None of these

9. When working on a job placement for a local retailer. Joan Halverson was sent to the library to look up data on population forecasts for Scotland, the population information she found would be considered-----data:
(1) primary
(2) secondary
(3) syndicated research
(4) exploratory
(5) None of these


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