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Friday, 25 April 2014

0 Computer Quiz 157

1. Search menu is available at which of the following buttons?
a. End
b. Start
c. Turnoff
d. Restart
e. Reboot

2. Which of the following displays the address and name of the selected cell
a. Name box
b. Row Heading
c. Formula bar
d. Task pane

3. In --- generation computer the speed was measured in nenoseconds
a. First
b. Second
c. Third
d. Fourth
e. Fifth

4. The process of transferring of files from your computer to the computer on the internet is called
a. Downloading
b. Uploading
c. FTP

5. In how many ways can we save a document
a. Four
b. Two
c. Three
d. One
e. Five

6. Which of the following can be used to select the entire column in a worksheet
a. Shift + Space
b. Ctrl + Space
c. Alt + Space
d. Ctrl + Space + 1
e. Shift + Space + 1

7. Machine code is a
a. High-level language
b. Software language
c. Low-level language
d. Middle-level language
e. Compiler

8. The speedometer of a car represents
a. Digital computer
b. Hybrid computer
c. Analog computer
d. Micro computer

9. Objects on the slide that hold text are called
a. Object holders
b. Text holders
c. Auto layout
d. Place holders
e. Data holders

10. C++ is
a. A procedure-oriented language
b. A problem-oriented language
c. An object-oriented language
d. A programme-oriented language


[dropshadowbox align="none" effect="lifted-both" width="500px" height="" background_color="#ffffff" border_width="1" border_color="#dddddd" ]1. (b) 2.(a) 3.(c) 4.(b) 5.(c) 6.(b) 7.(c) 8.(d) 9.(c) 10.(c)[/dropshadowbox]

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