1. Consumer information sources are
(a) Personal source and commercial source
(b) public source
(c) experiential source
(d) All of the three above
(e) only (a) and (b)
[dropshadowbox align="none" effect="lifted-both" width="250px" height="" background_color="#ffffff" border_width="1" border_color="#dddddd" ] (e) only (a) and (b)[/dropshadowbox]
2. Zero-Based Budgeting (ZBB)means
(a) a tool for marketing cost analysis
(b) a tool for financial analysis
(c) each year,budgeting starts from a scratch
(d) a certain percentage of sales
(e) Only (a) and (b)
[dropshadowbox align="none" effect="lifted-both" width="500px" height="" background_color="#ffffff" border_width="1" border_color="#dddddd" ](c) each year, budgeting starts from a scratch [/dropshadowbox]
3. The advantages of telephone-in-terview----------------------- are
(a) relatively low cost per interview
(b) good for reaching important people who are inaccessible
(c) securing co-operation which is not always possible
(d) all of these
(e) Only (a) and (b)
[dropshadowbox align="none" effect="lifted-both" width="250px" height="" background_color="#ffffff" border_width="1" border_color="#dddddd" ](d) all of these[/dropshadowbox]
4. The best advertisement is
(a) Glow sign boards
(b) on internet
(c) T.V. Media
(d) Education
(e) a satisfied customer
[dropshadowbox align="none" effect="lifted-both" width="500px" height="" background_color="#ffffff" border_width="1" border_color="#dddddd" ](e) a satisfied customer[/dropshadowbox]
5. According to product life cycle theory, the profit is maximum in
(a) Developed Stage
(b) Early Stage
(c) Matured Stage
(d) Declined Stage
(e) None of these
[dropshadowbox align="none" effect="lifted-both" width="500px" height="" background_color="#ffffff" border_width="1" border_color="#dddddd" ](a) Developed Stage [/dropshadowbox]
6. In banks ROA means
(a) Rate of Allocation
(b) Return of Assets
(c) Return on Advances
(d) Ratio of Assets
(e) Only (b) and (c)
[dropshadowbox align="none" effect="lifted-both" width="500px" height="" background_color="#ffffff" border_width="1" border_color="#dddddd" ](b) Return of Assets[/dropshadowbox]
7. In the contexts of globalization BPO means
(a) British petroleum Organization
(b) British passport office
(c) Budgeting process Orientation
(d) Business process orientation
(e) Business Process Outsourcing
[dropshadowbox align="none" effect="lifted-both" width="500px" height="" background_color="#ffffff" border_width="1" border_color="#dddddd" ](e) Business Process Outsourcing[/dropshadowbox]
8. Which of the following expresses Maslow’s Motivation Theory best?
(a) importance of motivation of customer development
(b) When people are driven by particular need at particular times
(c) When human needs are arranged in a hierarchy
(d) all of these
(e) Only (b)and (c)
[dropshadowbox align="none" effect="lifted-both" width="500px" height="" background_color="#ffffff" border_width="1" border_color="#dddddd" ](d) all of these[/dropshadowbox]
9. SWOT analysts refers to
(a) Marketing tool to understand constraints and potentials of self and competitor
(b) external environment analysis
(c) internal environment analysis
(d) strategic planning for selling product
(e) south-west organization fro trade
[dropshadowbox align="none" effect="lifted-both" width="500px" height="" background_color="#ffffff" border_width="1" border_color="#dddddd" ](a) Marketing tool to understand constraints and potentials of self and competitor[/dropshadowbox]
10. Which of the following forms the highest share in household saving in India?
(a) Deposits
(b) Currency
(c) Share & Debentures
(d) Real estate
(e) Physical asset
[dropshadowbox align="none" effect="lifted-both" width="250px" height="" background_color="#ffffff" border_width="1" border_color="#dddddd" ](e) Physical asset[/dropshadowbox]
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