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Monday, 21 April 2014

0 Marketing Quiz 48

1. When Pepsi Co takes the Information collected through research and attempts to assess and interpret what it means for its soft drink marketing efforts, Pepsi Co is involved in environmental:
(1) scanning
(2) forces
(3) management
(4) analysis
(5) None of these

2. After Compaq Computers gathers information related to its marketing environment,it attempts to define current environmental changes and predict future changes, allowing it to determine possible opportunities and threats facing the company this process is called.
(1) environmental scanning
(2) survey of environment
(3) marketing planning
(4) environmental analysis
(5) None of these

3. If cigarette manufacturers were to lobby Parliament to get restrictions on cigarette advertising eased, their environmental response would best be described as:
(1) passive
(2) reactive
(3) proactive
(4) conservative
(5) None of these

4. There are two major categories of laws that directly affect marketing practices:procompetitive legislation and:
(1) consumer protection legislation
(2) unfair trade practices laws
(3) trading standards legislation
(4) consumer price discrimination legislation
(5) None of these

5. If the National Association of Hoisery Manufacturers sets guidelines for its member firms to follow regarding the use of unethical practices, it is engaging in:
(1) legislation
(2) lobbying
(3) selfregulation
(4) environmental scanning
(5) None of these

6. The consumer movement is:
(1) against foreign imports that are much cheaper than products produced in the home market
(2) a movement that is trying to improve consumer satisfaction
(3) a social movement that is able to challenge big business practices
(4) a diverse group of individuals, groups and organizations attempting to protect the rights of consumers
(5) None of these

7. Lynx has demonstrated against the sale of coats made of animal furs .This group's efforts to change shoppers' altitudes rep resents_ for fur retailers.
(1) an opportunity
(2) self-regulation
(3) a societal force
(4) an economic force
(5) None of these

8. The period in the business cycle in which there is extremely high unemployment, low wages, minimum total disposable income, and a lack of confidence in the economy by consumers is:
(1) recovery
(2) prosperity
(3) depression
(4) recession
(5) None of these

9. Global marketing is
(1) the development of marketing strategies for the entire world or major regions of the world
(2) performing marketing activities across national boundaries
(3) the creation of value and the exchange of value between countries
(4) having firms with operations or subsidiaries located in many countries
(5) None of these

10. The Chairman of Unilever states that the world is just one big market. He feels anyone not taking this stance is systematically passing up profitable business. His approach MOST closely resembles
(1) exporting
(2) global marketing
(3) export marketing
(4) full-scale international marketing
(5) None of these


[dropshadowbox align="none" effect="lifted-both" width="500px" height="" background_color="#ffffff" border_width="1" border_color="#dddddd" ]1.4 2.4 3.3 4.1 5.3 6.4 7.3 8.3 9.1 10.2[/dropshadowbox]

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