1. A Call means_
(1) Calling on friends
(2) Calling on bank employees
(3) Calling on prospective customers
(4) To make telephone calls
(5) Calling on relatives
2. A prospect means_
(1) Any customer who walks into the bank
(2) An employee of the bank
(3) A customer who is likely to be interested bank's product or service
(4) A depositor of the bank'
(5) A borrower of the bank
3. Modem Method of Marketing include ___
(1) Publicity on the net
(2) Advertisement on the net
(3) Soliciting business through e-mails
(4) Tele marketing
(5) All of these
4. A true marketing requires_
(1) Command and other mindset
(2) Control Mindset
(3) Passive mindset
(4) Active mindset
(5) None of these
5. Which of the following sentences is true?
(1) Marketing is not required in a Buyers' Market
(2) Marketing is not required in a Seller's market
(3) Marketing is not required due to competition
(4) Marketing is not required due to liberalization
(5) Marketing is not required due to globalization
6. For effective marketing the salesmen should have which of these qualities?
(1) Creativity
(2) Team spirit
(3) Motivation
(4) Effective communication skills
(5) All of these
7. Market information means_
(1) Knowledge of shops and bazaars
(2) Knowledge of shopping malls
(3) Knowledge of customer profile and product mix
(4) Knowledge of various languages
(5) None of these
8. Market Research is needed for_
(1) Checking the market area
(2) Checking the right product to be sold
(3) Making proper marketing decisions
(4) Deciding right time to sell
(5) All of these
9. Which of the following statement is true_
(1) Marketing makes the company to go into loss due to higher expenses
(2) Marketing is not required in profit making companies
(3) Marketing sharpens the minds of the employees
(4) Marketing is a time bound seasonal function
(5) Marketing is a waste of time
10. Marketing plan helps in_
(1) Better lead generation
(2) Better systems
(3) Better results
(4) Improved
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