1. The ________ becomes different shapes depending on the task you are performing.
1) Active tab
2) Insertion point
3) Mouse pointer
4) Ribbon
2. By default, Excel positions a text in a cell
1) Left aligned
2) Right – aligned
3) Centered
4) Justified
5) None of these
3. To centre a paragraph using shortcut keys, press
1) Ctrl + C
2) Ctrl + E
3) Ctrl + L
4) Ctrl + R
4. To print a document, press_________ then press ENTER
1) SHIFT + P
2) CTRL + P
3) ALT + P
4) ESC + P
5. Multiplexing involves_________ paths and_______ channels
1) One, one
2) One, Multiple
3) Multiple, One
4) Multiple, Multiple
6. To access properties of an object, the mouse technique to use is
1) Dragging
2) Dropping
3) Right-clicking]
4) Shift-clicking
7. A(n) _______ is a program that makes the computer easier to use.
1) O/S
2) Application
3) Utility
4) Network
8. Connection to the Internet using a phone line and a modem are called _____ connections.
1) Digital
2) Dial-up
3) Broadband
4) Dish
9. To access a mainframe or supercomputer, users often use a _____
1) Terminal
2) Node
3) Desktop
4) Handheld
10. Office LAN that are spread geographically apart on a large scale can be connected using a corporate _____
1) CAN
2) LAN
3) DAN
4) WAN
5) TAN
[dropshadowbox align="none" effect="lifted-both" width="500px" height="" background_color="#ffffff" border_width="1" border_color="#dddddd" ]1.(3) 2.(5) 3.(2) 4.(2) 5.(2) 6.(3) 7.(3) 8.(2) 9.(1) 10.(4)[/dropshadowbox]
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