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Friday, 25 April 2014

0 Computer Quiz 159

1. Which of the following IP address classes in reserved for future use
a. Class A
b. Class B
c. Class C
d. Class D
e. Class E

2. The time during which a job is processed by a computer is
a. Delay time
b. Real time
c. Execution time
d. Down time
e. Seek time

3. RATS stand for
a. Regression Analysis Time Sharing
b. Regression Analysis Time Series
c. Read Analysis Time Sharing
d. Read Analysis Time Series

4. The chip used in computers is made of
a. Chromium
b. Silica
c. Iron Oxide
d. Silicon
e. Aluminum

5. While running DoS on PC, which of the following commands will be used to duplicate the entire diskette

6. The following are the components of database except
a. User data
b. Meta data
c. Reparts
d. Indexes
e. Data dictionary

7. The amount of a cheque is recorded in magnetic ink, using an
a. Encoder
b. Embosser
c. Inscriber
d. Imprinter

8. Punched cards use
a. Alphanumeric code
b. Hollerith code
c. EBCDIC code
d. BCD code
e. ASCII code

9. CSMA/CD is
a. An important protocol
b. IEEE 802.3
c. IEEE 802.4
d. Both (1) and (2)
e. Both (1) and (3)

10. ---- are raw facts from which --- is derived
a. Data, Output
b. Input, Information
c. Data, Information
d. Input, Output


[dropshadowbox align="none" effect="lifted-both" width="500px" height="" background_color="#ffffff" border_width="1" border_color="#dddddd" ]1.(e) 2.(c) 3.(b) 4.(d) 5.(b) 6.(c) 7.(a) 8.(b) 9.(d) 10.(c)[/dropshadowbox]

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