1. What is backup?
a. Adding more components to your network
b. Protecting data by copying it from the original source to a different destination
c. Filtering old data from the new data
d. Accessing data on tape
2. ______ are a type of inexpensive digital camera that remains tethered to a computer and are used for videoconferencing, video chatting, and live web broadcast.
a. Webcams
b. Webpics
c. Browsercams
d. Browserpics
3. The acronym HTML stands for
a. High transfer machine language
b. High transmission markup language
c. Hypertext markup language
d. Hypermedia markup language
4. References to each file on a disk are stored in a______.
a. File allocation table
b. Root allocation table
c. Linking directory
d. Root directory
e. Directory allocation table
5. What is correcting errors in a program called?
a. Interpreting
b. Translating
c. Debugging
d. Compiling
6. Sending an E-mail is similar to
a. Writing a letter
b. Drawing a picture
c. Talking on the phone
d. Sending a package
7. To ________ a document means to make changes to its existing content.
a. Format
b. Save
c. Edit
d. Print
8. Where is the disk put to enable the computer to read it?
a. Disk drive
b. Memory
c. CPU
d. ALU
9. What menu is selected to cut, copy and paste?
a. File
b. Tools
c. Special
d. Edit
10. The most important or powerful computer in a system network _______
a. Desktop
b. Network client
c. Network server
d. Network station
[dropshadowbox align="none" effect="lifted-both" width="500px" height="" background_color="#ffffff" border_width="1" border_color="#dddddd" ]1. (b) 2.(a) 3.(c) 4.(a) 5.(c) 6.(a) 7.(c) 8.(a) 9.(d) 10.(c)[/dropshadowbox]
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